Friday, July 22, 2011

Introducing the GTALCast!

We've been tossing up the idea of doing a Podcast for a while now, and this week we all got together and recorded one! This will be the first of many to come, hopefully weekly, and we want your feedback! What do you want to hear us talk about? More importantly, what do you want us to call it? We're opening it up to you to decide, so throw a Name down in the comments, vote for one, and the most popular name as voted by you guys (and girls) will become the Podcast name!

You can download the Very First GTALCast right here (MP3 ~60Mb, Right-Click, Save Target As), or hit the jump to stream it inside your browser!

Seriously though, we want your ideas for a name! Vote here, ot tweet your ideas to @GTALtweets!

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