Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[UPDATE] What's in the Works!

Just wanted to give you all a heads up: We're upgrading GTAL and launching a new look site, with a whole lot more content. It'll be much easier to get around, and looks awesome. Unfortunately, it's taking a little longer than I'd like, but it will happen. We'll let you know when it's all done and dusted. Until then, Happy Gaming, and keep on Expericooking!

- Jiggsy

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

[Tech] By the power of Greyskull...I have a network!!!

I was very pleased this week when this bad boy landed on my desk.
What is it? It's gypsy magic that will change my life forever.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Life is like layers of meat, cheese and pasta... AWESOME MNMM #9

I realise that many of my posts start this way but, I effing LOVE lasagne! How can you go wrong with meat, cheese and pasta baked in such a way that the AWESOMEness of the total far exceeds the sum of awesomeness of the parts? Nowhere, that's where. I've looked, trust me. My recipe here for you tonight isn't something special or over-the-top or anything, just a good, trusty, simple recipe with the odd little tweak here and there to make this an awesome meal with stuff all effort. All you need is a little time, patience and a big appetite!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Get your coat, you've pulled! MNMM #8

Time for another treat! Tonight I'll share with you a super-easy, but super tasty favourite of my friends and colleagues - my world famous (at my house) american-style Pulled Pork! Also, this picture looks like Pac-Man gettin' his pork on!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

[Unboxing] Hatching an Alien(ware)

I had a very nice surprise turn up on my doorstep this week in the form of an Alienware M14X which I am reviewing as part of a competition from our friends at Gamespot AU.
There will be more reviews and information to come as I put it through its paces and run the hard yards of playing games on it and calling it work, but first up lets do an unboxing! Full pics after the break!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

[REVIEW] Cutting to the Core: Fruit Ninja Kinect

I woke up this morning, almost unable to move my arms. My shoulders ached, as if I'd been climbing mountains. It seems hard for me to believe that swinging my arms around, slicing fruit in colourful arcs, could have been so strenuous, though in hindsight, I was puffed after my first round (definitely more a criticism on my physical state then anything else).

Fruit Ninja Kinect is almost nothing like playing it on a phone.

Monday, August 8, 2011

[REVIEW] Float like a Butterfly: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

So I must start this review with a quick confession - I haven't beaten the last boss yet (or what I think/hope is the last boss) yet and I'm almost at the point of tossing this game into the abyss of shame and never completing it. Yet I refrain from doing so as the game has the capacity to provide great feelings of triumph and satisfaction.

Read on past the jump to find why this game is so frustrating and at the same time so engaging...