Thursday, April 21, 2011

Idiot-Proof Risotto

Risotto is another classic winter dish, but it's often met with apprehension, generally due to the margin of error and time it takes to make it. This recipe is for the risotto base itself... you can add pretty much any combination of ingredients to it, some of which will work amazingly well, some will change the colour drastically, and some can even turn this meal into a dessert.

Personally,some of my favourite combinations are Sweet Potato & Bacon (an awesome combination across the board, and one of my most frequent ones), Pea and Ham, Chicken and Bacon, Wild Mushroom, or Cinnamon and White Chocolate for an amazing dessert.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Future is Coming

You can't tell from here, but that screen is only 6 inches tall...

It's been an interesting year for technology so far... Technically, a lot of the advancements are with products bought out before this year, but that's the key. We're taking what we've created, and shooting it into the world of science fiction. Some of you will already know about Microsoft Surface... but how many of you knew that they've patnered up with Samsung and have developed Surface2? I watched the Keynote address this evening, streamed live from MiX11 (you can check it out below, if you've got a spare 50-minutes or so to kill), and i couldn't help getting just a little excited about the idea behind the product. They're calling it the NUI, the Natural User Interface, and it's the next step from the GUI that we've all grown to love. Luis Cabrera talks about the past, and how Today's leading companies were the ones to embrace the jump from Command Line Interfaces to a GUI system, and how this is the ground floor for the next step.

And they're right.

Monday, April 18, 2011

GOW3 Beta

So the beta drops for me tomorrow, and i'll be checking it out to see how it stands up, not only to previous titles, but other multiplayer shooters. From what i've seen so far, it's looking pretty mean, and the first map i'll be definitely hitting up is Thrashball... I can't wait to test fire some of those new weapons in an arena setting. If you're on as well, add me to your friends list... i'll be playing pretty much whenever i'm online... Some of those unlockables are pretty sweet sounding! Cliff Bleszinski Himself is giving out beta codes on his twitter, but you may have to pull out some interesting pics to get one. All i can say is... wow. I'm glad i bought Bulletstorm.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

$15 Sweet Potato and Bacon Soup

Since we're heading into the colder months here in Aus, i thought i'd share with you one of my favourite recipes. It's ridiculously simple, takes about 45 minutes, and is amazingly cheap. I've cooked it heaps, and never spent more than $15 on the ingredients (excluding the booze to accompany it, of course!). Best of all, you can chuck the whole thing in the fridge and re-heat it anytime, or freeze it for weeks!