Thursday, May 19, 2011

[PREVIEW] The Hero Complex: Infamous 2

UPDATE! Just added the Gamespot AU Crosshairs video that features the info and interviews from the inFAMOUS 2 preview event. Keep an eye out for GTAL's own Jiggsy2Point0!

Thanks to the Guys (and Girls) at Gamespot AU, developer Sucker Punch and SCEA, I woke up bright and early on a Saturday morning and headed into the Sydney CBD to check out Infamous 2. I liked what I saw.

It's been a while since I played the original, and I'm always wary of sequels to games I enjoyed, so I was understandably eager to see what Sucker Punch had in store for us this time. First off, the game looks astounding. Facial animation is difficult at the best of times, but it doesn't hinder this game at all. The level design is superb, most likely due to the change of scenery (This game takes place in the fictional New Marais, very much based on New Orleans), and the shadows reflections, and landscapes help to show just how powerful the PS3 can be... even the draw distance seems to be set perfectly.

Think of it as a PSP. On Crack.
Cole's back, and slightly different this time. Originally Sucker Punch had a different character design in mind, but after the backlash (read: feedback) from the fans, went back and 'updated' the design from the original game. Gone is the biker jacket, which is to be expected if you consider the climate change, revealing a few rough looking tattoos, which suit the 'anti-hero' vibe the character started with.

The morality system is back, but not quite as you'd expect. Throughout the main storyline, you'll have two 'side-kick' heroes, Kuo and Nix, who will assist and offer advice in relation to the current mission. The best analogy for these two minxes is the 'Angel and Devil on the Shoulder,' constantly leading you astray, or keeping you on a noble path. According to Ken Schramm,  "There will be multiple crossroads where Cole will decide to follow Kuo’s lead or give into Nix’s temptations. Your choices will directly affect the gameplay by permanently remaining in the world." But don't despair... It's never too late to change your ways. What fun would that be?

I had my game face on. And it was still Morning.
We were limited to a few different Missions, but even within the confines of the storyline, I never really felt like I couldn't wander around and complete it at my own pace. Being a developer build, we didn't really have to worry about dying, or recharging, for the most part, and as a result, we got to have a lot of fun running around creating waves of destruction along peaceful suburban streets (Hot tip: Ionic Cyclone. BAM!), throwing the occasional car at old ladies, and generally running amok. Only a few times did I get a 'Return to Objective' warning, and by that stage I was seeing how far I could get anyway.

I also got the chance to chat with Joe Ishikura, Lead Designer on Infamous2  about another feature that intrigued me, the inclusion of User Generated Content (UGC). Most of it was off the record, and since PSN was down at the time of testing, I didn't get to experience it myself, but I can guess that it'll definitely b a game-changer. At any stage during the game, except during a mission, a green UGC icon will show a mission, or race, that another player has created. You'll also be able to pause the game and start creating your own missions too. I love this idea, honestly. I remember spending hours and hours making Skate Parks in Tony Hawk, taking as much time as necessary to make sure everything was in the perfect place. These days, with online gaming pretty much the standard, you won't have to save it to a memory card, take it to a friends place, and have them copy it across just to see what you've done... once you're finished, it'll be up there for the world to play and rate. If you're lucky, you might just get yours added to the list of UGC that Sucker Punch themselves enjoyed and recommend.

I'll say this; Infamous 2 will definitely be a game that I would throw back on weeks after finishing the main storyline. With a fully powered up Cole, it'd be the perfect way to de-stress after a long day of work. And depending on your mood at the time, you might help out a few old ladies in distress... or just throw cars at them.

Check out the rest of the photos from the day at Gamespot's Gallery, and while you're there, don't miss their Interviews with the developers!

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