Tuesday, June 21, 2011

[PREVIEW] SW:TOR Intro Cinematic

The intro cinematic for Star Wars: The Old Republic has recently been released and I have to say, I'm getting pretty damn excited about it! Read on after the jump and prepare to have your mind blown.

Let me just reiterate; I CANNOT even BEGIN to express how fricken excited I am about this game. I have been plugging away at MMORPGs for some time now. I started playing Guild Wars back in 2005, but like to many, this was just a gateway drug to World of Warcraft. Lately though, I've been looking for something new.

I've been playing WoW on and off now since 2006 with a couple of lengthy breaks from the game from time to time when I find myself becoming bored of the content and gameplay. The story of WoW interests me, I've read most of the books and am keen to start on the graphic novels in the near future. I've even been lucky enough to have a tour of the Blizzard Entertainment campus in Irvine, CA (a mate works there). Sadly though, I find that the lore & story isn't enough to keep me interested in a game which seems all a bit same-samey lately. Despite the latest expansion (Cataclysm) launching late last year, I haven't played in MONTHS. I've effectively been donating $15 to those needy kids over at Activision-Blizzard. Needy as in "I needy a new Porschey".

Now... what really lights my ring is the prospect of grabbing a blaster pistol, donning some Corellian Blood Striped trousers and jumping in my junky ol' freighter that can do the Kessell Run in less that 12 parsecs and blasting through the new online galaxy of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Then I pause. I pause and consider that the events of SW:TOR actually take place about 3000 years BEFORE the events of SW:ANH (That's episode VI to you heathens). When I ponder this, I find myself letting out an audible *humpf* and thinking "What does this mean? Where will all my favourite characters be? How will I get to know... WAIT! More LORE!" With this thought, I am a very happy panda. That and the prospect of doing something a la this:
(which is about the coolest thing anyone in the galaxy could do with their helmet on)

I've heard many reports from those lucky enough to preview the game that it feels... "jokey", "cartooney" and even "more childish looking that WoW". I simply don't give a rat's ar$e about this. I am way too hungry for more story, more action and more interaction with the Star Wars universe. I've recently bought SW: Force Unleashed 2 and will get right to it once I find time - I loved the first one. The idea of a new storyline and new character created especially for the game and ratified by His Georgeness is cool - I'm keen to see where they take it. I'm hoping that this will sate my thirst for SW goodness in the short to medium term while I ponder the prospect of what is essentially ancient story, worlds, history and lore that can be followed and traced through literally dozens of novels and short-stories. Bioware are even doing a reasonable job with upping their own historical back-story while we all (im)patiently wait for the launch, or even a beta invite!

Even more impressions from previewers are coming through the podwaves and blog-o-log. Feedback based on E3 footage pouring down the intertubes and public opinion unfounded on any sort of fact do nothing to sway my resolve in eagerly waiting the sh*t out of this game to come out. I couldn't give a toss what anyone else says - I will play this game. Plain and simple. And I am really excited!

Previous rendered videos ('cause lets be honest if you get excited by a gameplay demo, you're not right in the head)

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