Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cheese & Bacon Potato Skins

This one is definitely not for the overly health conscious, but perfect for those powering through a new game, or when your D&D session runs a little later than you expected...

You will need

  • 4 Large Potatoes
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Bacon. Lots, and Lots of Bacon (Seriously though, about 6 rashers should be sweet)
  • Parmesan Cheese (roughly 1/4 cup per 6 Bacon rashers)
  • Sour cream (Optional)
  • Chives (Also optional)
What to Do

Preheat your oven to 200°C, rub the potatoes with Olive oil, and sprinkle with salt. Prick them with a fork, so they don't explode, and drop them into a baking tray. Make sure you spread them out a little, then bake them till the centre is soft (test it with a skewer or fork).

While they're in the oven, fry up your bacon, and dice it fairly finely. Cook it to your own personal preference, but I prefer mine a little soft at this point.

Let them cool enough to touch, then slice them longways in half. Carefully scoop out the soft flest, leaving about a cm rim around the skin, and add it to a mixing bowl. Don't throw the skins out, move them to the side, you'll need them in a sec. 

Mash the potato in the bowl, then add your cheese (save a little for the top) and bacon (and your sour cream and chives if using them), and mix it up nicely. You don't have to mash it perfectly, as a few lumps is alright for texture in this case. Spoon the mix back into the potato skins, place them back on your tray, and top with the remaining cheese.

Bake them off for about 30 minutes, or until they start to brown. Let them sit for a few minutes, then serve on a plate. If you're playing D&D, the rest of your party will love you (DON'T FORGET THE DM!), and if you're gaming online, be sure to gloat about how good they taste!

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