Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Laziness, Xbox LIVE dropouts and Winter

I've been a little lax lately with posting, and I want to apologise. Unfortunately, due to some (suspected) hardware issues, I haven't been able to stay connected to Xbox LIVE for more than ten minutes, seriously hampering both the amount of online gaming, and the amount of playtesting the Gears 3 Beta that i've been able to do.

It's also getting pretty Wintery in Sydney (okay, not quite like the Winters elsewhere in the world, but pretty cold for Aus.), and since I tend to do most of my writing at night, outside, I've slacked off a little. I've drafted my Infamous 2 review, set up a playthrough of Fallout: New Vegas in preparation for the 'Honest Hearts' DLC soon to drop, but I just haven't... finished aything. There's also a review of POTC4: On Stranger Tides to come, so I think it's probably about time I pulled my finger out.

In other news though, I FINALLY got around to playing Portal. Not Portal 2, that'll come soon enough, especially now that I know how awesome it's predecessor is. I've never had to think so much in a game before... aside from, well... everything else that Valve has made. So if you're still on the bench, give it a shot... It's in the XBLA Marketplace for 1200 points, or available as part of The Orange Box, which also includes HL2, HL2:E1, HL2:E2, and TF2. Very much a worthwhile purchase.

I thought I might throw out a call to you guys as well... What do you want to see? More recipes? More tech news? Or hey, have you got something you want to share? Drop me a line at jess.hodgson [at] guidetoawesomelivig.com, or sound off in the comments below.

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